- MAIN : Fixed a bug where the time displayed resets to 0 if a test runs for more than 24h.
- SYSINFO : The max TDP won't appear as "-1" anymore if it could not be detected.
v4.5 [Feb 21, 2017]
May contain unspecified improvements or bug fixes.
v4.2 [Mar 19, 2012]
- The Idle period boxes (among others) should now stay disabled after an infinite test
- Test processes should now end all the time when the main GUI is closed during a test
- Avoided a rare case where a test would be reported as "in error" and immediatly reported as "testing", even if stopped (the error and graphs were correctly generated though). THe status label was updated one extra time. Occured very rarely.
- Added Romanian, Russian and Japanese translations
v4.1 [Nov 1, 2011]
The brand new feature here is the release of the new GPU:3D Directx10 version. While the DX9 version was already the most intense 3D app out there, it manages to be more efficient, including the error checking,that now starts instantly.
v4.0 [Jul 3, 2011]
- Brand new interface with real-time graphs !
- Infinite mode is now used as default
- In automatic mode, the IDLE periods are fully customizables
- GPU:Memtest isn't available in this release (It is scheduled for complete revamp soon)
- Settings simplified
- Screenshot button (PNG format)